tirsdag den 19. januar 2016

ready to go crazy

I am ready for doing the most simple things, or go crazy by designing absurd costumes, contructing and buildig wired scenografies/ sculptures. I am ready for discussing every detail: we are on a stage, so whatever ligth, clothing, movement, sound, timeframe, area, itims ect. we use, it will allways be a choice. But it dosen’t necessary need to be a logic choice.   

I am interested in perception on form and I am shearching after beaty.
Right now I am trying to write a speciale about perception on folded forms, because the folds are often in my artworks.
My practice allways goes back to drawing and photagraphy (for me it is about Seeing, Light and shadow, constructing/designing, maybe allso about describing and telling)
I am interested in social relations.
I am inspired by compositions I see in “the every day life”.
Somehow the bird and the mountain allways comes up, I guess it is a fascination of their forms, the movements of the bird and the movements in the mountains, and it have something to do with farytail (to me).
I am interestet in something with Japan, I am not really sure if it is the mentallity or only the aesthatics.  

I think the thing I said about training drawing and training the body is about getting more precise in the expression and the understanding of the expression. I feel the same about mixing colours painting and mixing spices cooking, it is allso about getting a precise expression.

lørdag den 9. januar 2016

Precision : artist statement 09.01.16 15.50-16.00

Mixing the precise colour is like making the a precise taste by using the rigth ingrediens and treat them rigth.

Getting precise training mucles, is like getting precise training in seeing and eye-hand contact by traning classiscal drawing.

To use and train your drawing skill fill the same as voice training.

Mixing plaster is as easy/hard as make dough for baking

tirsdag den 5. januar 2016


Når jeg bruger mit fokus på at blive interlektuelt stimuleret , ender jeg med at have nogle krybdyrs-agtige-problemer: Hvordan skaffer jeg mad? Hvordan får jeg sex?

mandag den 4. januar 2016


Da jeg pudsede vinduerne tænkte jeg på at Kinga havde sagt at vi skulle bruge avispapir. Jeg forstillede mig krøllede avissider. Gamle nyheder fra én dag. Et billede hvor dem som konfrontere fotografen, pludselig konfrontere hinanden, med forvrængninger i krop og ansigt på grund af foldningen.

Vi havde ikke noget avispapir så vi brugte køkkenrulle. Jeg havde en rytme med at gøre tre vinduer våde også pudse dem et ad gangen, så de akkurat ikke nåede at tørre ind. Men det var både frost og blæsevejr. så da jeg havde gjordt indersiden af ét vindue vådt og vaskede ydersiden af et andet, frøs vandet på det første til is og dannet de flotte isblomster. Utroligt at noget kan krysttalliserer - og så smukt - på 5 minutter.

Jeg gør rent hos nogle psykologer, og i lørdags støvsugede jeg alle lammeskinstæpperne i stolene i gruppeterapirummet. Jeg tænker altid på alle de dårlige historier og traumer, jeg støvsuger op fra gulvtæppet og nu også fra de lammeskin. Nu ligger de alle kompakt og indfoldet i hinanden i støvsugerposen, blant hustøvmider og nullermænd.